Friday, June 09, 2006

Losing Weight - The National Obsession

This poem is a reflection of today's society. I have written a number of poems which do this. This is a bit of a diversion for me, where the title actually says exactly what is in the poem.

How did it happen?
That losing weight
Became the national obsession.
We are in a terrible state;
Half of us now obese
And hlaf under weight.
Surrounded by fads
All those various diets;
Atkins, Weight Watchers, slim Fast,
Do we get all those gadgets?
All that motionless motion?
Or do we just limit our food?
Food taunts and surrounds us;
Low calorie, low carb, low fat.
Choice over whelms us.
Fast food, lets have more of that.
And now I'm as wide as I'm high
I'll take all your potions
I'll have opperations
I just don't want to wait
Doctor please help me
Get back my size eight.


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