Thursday, June 08, 2006

Destruction, Dividing

This poem is set to the hymn tune 'Imortal, Invisible' and was written when the protest marches were being planned before the Iraq war started in February 2003. The gun in the last line of the first verse refers to the weapons of mass disturction, of which even then, there were enough clues given away in the world press to show that the polititions knew were not there.

Destruction, Dividing, War in our name.
In attempting to prove that he's not the same.
Most forceful, most fearsome,
Blair leads us all on
Into battle victorious
'Cos Sadam has no gun.

Unhearing the country, determined to fight,
Nor listening to reason, just proud of his might.
Blair thinks he is moral
To hurt the children,
To impose all those sanctions
That deny medicine.

From all life war taketh, from both great and small'
Just leaving a country deprive'd of all.
Our arm forces, they flouresh
Like leave on a tree
But our services perish
And our leaders don't see.

Great wars of the past have destroyed many live
Yet we never learn, we just avert our eyes.
Oh Lord God please help us
And lead us to peace
Our leades should back off
And turn about face


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